July 15, 2011

Being single in a boyfriend/girlfriend world: Part 1

What do you think is the most over used word in the English language?

Want a hint? It's 4 letters.

We use it for everything.

It can be the key to a relationship.

It can also be the way to describe the way you feel about a pair of shoes.

That's right. L O V E.

Lets play a game that I'm sure you all have at least once in your life.

Which sentence does not belong?

I love that car! I love this food! I love country music! I'm in love with Brad Pitt! I love Jesus!

That's a tough one.


3 years ago, I started to write my thoughts about love and what it really is. The longer I went, the harder it got. Did I actually learn anything? Sure. But I became sick of the concept that everybody loves everything!

Think about it. If everybody loves everything, then everybody loves nothing. Because it would become obsolete. So there must be something special about love that I've been missing.

That's been my thought for quite a while.

Being a wedding photographer, I get to meet a lot of people who are "in love."

I read a photographers blog once about how she was always being asked how she liked being single when she was always meeting new people who have these incredible love stories. Her response was that she was just getting more experience so that she would know the in's and out's of relationships so that she would be ready when the time came. And that she could really tell a difference in those couples who had God at the center of their lives.

I've already noticed this. And I've only done 3 weddings.

You can tell when people are truly happy. And when they are just happy because they need to be. (which sometimes actually turns into unhappiness on their wedding day...just saying.)

Those couples who are really happy, usually love God and have put Him first in everything. He's their number one. Not their spouse. And they know that only He can keep their relationship in a lasting position.

The question to ask them would be: How do you love God first, and then love your husband/wife?

And then as a single person, what should I be doing to prepare myself for the future?

...to be continued.